Cai Yun Lian Lian 220cc -Yixing Handmade Teapot
纵观整个壶型的型、气,构成了一种造型美,给人以精神上的愉悦。壶体的每个部分都独立鲜明,线条缓冲流畅,明暗转折主次分明,虚实对比中凸现出立体感。 壶之魅力,表现在平面外观上的造型之趣,更是得益于中空间起伏中的思索之美。紫砂壶一旦有了神韵,也就意味着它已经具有了生命。
【Cai Yun Lian Lian】
【Clay】The best Benshan green clay
The exquisite combination of raw mineral mud and enamel is gorgeous, elegant, and full of texture. It not only maintains the natural characteristics of the purple clay teapot, which is suitable for tea, breathable and nourishable. Compared with pure purple clay pots, enamel purple clay pots are more ornamental, artistic and collectible. Enamel purple clay teapots have advantages that pure purple clay teapots cannot match.