Qie Gua 250cc -Yixing Handmade Teapot

$376.74 USD
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此壺樣式為茄段壺。茄段壺取材自茄瓜,其形制渾然的田園樸意,其意韻也渾然充滿自然之風,簡潔的器型,優雅而不失藝術魅力的形制,使得茄段壺流傳至今廣受歡迎。此壺壺身飽滿圓潤,截蓋設計與壺身結合平整,線條柔和藝美,顯得豐腴圓潤,青段泥泥料精緻,與茄瓜顏色相近,相得益彰,甚是漂亮! !

【Qie Gua】
【Clay】Longtan black mud
【Production】 Hui Haiqin (research-level senior industrial artist)
The style of this pot is eggplant segment pot. The eggplant-shaped pot is made from eggplant and melon. Its shape is pastoral and simple, and its charm is also full of natural wind. The simple shape of the vessel and the elegant yet artistically charming shape make the eggplant-shaped pot popular today. The body of this pot is plump and round, and the cut-off cover design is smoothly integrated with the pot body. The lines are soft and artistic, making it look plump and round. The green section of the clay material is exquisite, and is similar in color to the eggplant and melon. It complements each other and is very beautiful! !

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