Ji He Ti 85cc -Yixing Handmade Teapot
$179.51 USD
高超的設計理念! 源自數學藝術。 充分彰顯了幾何之美,稜角、線條,令人賞心悅目。 全手工製作,紋理的處理,可見制壺功底的深厚。 原礦極品老紫泥,把玩效果明顯
【Ji He Ti】
【Clay】The best old purple clay
【Capacity】85cc·Single hole
Superb design concept! From the art of mathematics. It fully demonstrates the beauty of geometry, with edges, corners, and lines that are pleasing to the eye. It is completely handmade and the texture processing shows the profound skills of pot making. The best old purple clay from raw ore, the effect is obvious when playing with it
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