Huo Feng Qin Quan 220cc - Yixing Handmade Teapot
$303.56 USD
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金龍血砂近乎全顆粒,黏性差,即便粉碎到100目,經千錘百煉仍不易成型,也因如此,一旦燒成,透氣性比底槽清更勝一籌。 燒成為陶,平淡無光;養成為玉,美不勝收。
【Huo Feng Qin Quan】
【Capacity】Golden Dragon Blood
【Production】Yang Peng
Jinlong blood sand is almost full-grained and has poor viscosity. Even if it is crushed to 100 mesh, it is still not easy to shape after repeated hammering. Because of this, once it is fired, its air permeability is better than that of bottom trough clear sand. Burned into pottery, it is dull; cultivated into jade, it is extremely beautiful.