Guan Yun 260cc -Yixing Handmade Teapot

$376.31 USD
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此作品質樸拙雅,美冠群倫。壺身筋紋錯落有致,線條流暢,壺腹圓潤飽滿,寶珠壺鈕為點睛之處,與壺身渾若一體,協調統一。這款紫砂壺古樸大方又不失優雅,彰顯韻味,穩重大氣,簡約中令人驚嘆,推薦! !

【Guan Yun】
【Clay】Mengchen Laozhu Clay
【Production】 Hui Haiqin (research-level senior industrial artist)
This work is simple, elegant and beautiful. The veins on the body of the pot are well-proportioned, the lines are smooth, the belly is round and full, and the orb button is the finishing touch, which is integrated with the body of the pot and harmonious. This purple clay teapot is simple and generous yet elegant, showing charm, steady and majestic, and stunning in its simplicity. Recommended! !

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