Qi Tun Shan He 190cc -Yixing Handmade Teapot

$622.68 USD
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【六方子冶 · 氣吞山河】
民間有「六六大順」的吉語,「六」在中國文化中像徵吉樣如意、幸福、安康 此作壺身呈六方,各處線條挺括流暢,方中寓圓,轉折如意。壺身彩繪祥龍騰雲駕霧,寓意前途順暢,生意興隆, 一把方器石瓢,更像是三千弱水中更為波光粼粼的那一掬。

【Qi Tun Shan He】
【Clay】Benshan section clay
【Production】Xu Guanxin
There is an auspicious folk saying of "Liu Liu Dashun", and "six" in Chinese culture symbolizes good luck, happiness, and health. The body of this pot is in six directions, with straight and smooth lines everywhere, with circles in the squares, and happy turns. The body of the pot is painted with an auspicious dragon soaring in the clouds and riding on the mist, which means a smooth future and a prosperous business. The square vessel and stone ladle are more like the sparkling one in the weak water.

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