Fang Shan Yi Shi 110cc - Yixing Handmade Teapot
$165.49 USD
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作品壺身為四方形,線面挺括有力,輪廓分明,立體而正直,是逸士的最鮮明特色,肩部過渡有線條清晰展示,愈發明了大氣,整器盡顯隱逸情懷,為高雅之士 。
【Fang Shan Yi Shi】
【Clay】Top quality black material
The body of the pot is square, with strong and crisp lines and clear contours, three-dimensional and upright, which is the most distinctive feature of a hermit. The transition of the shoulders is clearly displayed with lines, which makes it more majestic. The whole vessel fully demonstrates the sentiment of seclusion and is for an elegant person.