Chuan Lu 180cc -Yixing Handmade Teapot
$317.35 USD
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傳爐是紫砂壺的一個經典器形,其製造型取材於青銅器,器身形狀以方器為基本形,但方中寓圓,比一般方器多了一份圓潤之美;壺嘴的造型難度亦高,方中帶圓, 圓裡寓方,三彎流式曲折有致,出水流暢;壺蓋延續了全器造型特微,方型圓角,壓蓋形式,製作精良的壺蓋要能四面通轉無礙,且面面俱到,能接續全壺氣韻;底足皆採用四顆「釘足」形式,且多屬短柱型,精巧別緻,落地穩重。
【Chuan Lu】
【Clay】Downslope mud
【Production】Ye Qin
Chuanlu is a classic shape of a purple clay pot. Its manufacturing style is based on bronze. The basic shape of the pot is square, but there is a circle in the square, giving it a more rounded beauty than ordinary square pots.